Loving God.Getting Activated. |
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Frontier Missions Discipleship Training School
School of Strategic Missions
Discipleship Bible School
School of Leadership and Ministry Development
University of the Nations
Frontier Missions Discipleship Training School
Frontier Missions |
1 Jan - 31 March, 2022 |
Take a leap of faith into God’s adventure for your life.
School of Strategic Missions
School of Strategic MissionsSchool of Strategic Missions |
1 Jan - 31 March, 2022 |
Make God’s missional call on your life more than just a vision. ¡Make it a reality with the SOSM!After you complete the FMDTS your passion and zeal for the fulfillment of the Great Commission will increase. We invite you to consider the next step of your missionary journey and take the School of Strategic Missions (SOSM). This 3 month course will truly give you a global perspective of the task at hand.The SOSM is a course designed for students to develop perspective, strategies, and a deeper understanding of how to reach the unreached world. We need the Whole Church to bring the Whole Gospel to the Whole World.
SOSM participants will be challenged to think bigger about the nature of the Church, the Gospel, and the world. Graduates of the SOSM will be able to integrate Church Planting and Disciple-Making into any vocation in any location. In the SOSM, relevant Speakers teach a variety of topics with a Biblical worldview in effort to help make you an effective worker in the mission field. By developing an attitude of being a life-long learner, you will learn to understand and reach the nations by thinking critically and creatively through the course content like community transformation and development, Biblical worldview, pioneering, church planting, mobilization, and more. The course is creating a transformational missions culture in each student as we experience and learn in this course. Following your training you have the option to take 2 month outreach or an extended field assignment internship in in the geographical or societal sphere of your choice. Have questions? Write us at [email protected]
Discipleship Bible School
Discipleship Bible SchoolDiscipleship Bible School |
1 Jan - 31 March, 2022 |
Going deep into the word of God is time well spent and a life investment that will bear much fruit. Discover the life giving treasures of God’s word. Join the DBS!Do you find yourself hungering for more of God’s presence, His Word and greater transformation in your life? Or maybe when you engage with others concerning your faith you feel unprepared. If this true, then the Discipleship Bible School (DBS) is for you!
In the DBS, you will go on a journey with God through the entire Bible. You will not just get head knowledge, but will be discipled by His Word. In this 12-week Bible school, you will be given an overview of “God’s story” and will discover the purposes of God in it. You will be able to share your faith more confidently with those who are seeking and explain the Word of God more accurately to those who’ve already come to faith. Have questions? Write us at [email protected]
School of Leadership and Ministry Development
School of Ministry and Leadership DevelopmentSchool of Ministry |
1 Jan - 31 March, 2022 |
Make God’s missional call on your life more than just a vision. ¡Make it a reality with the SOSM!Do you want to be more effective in the place God is calling you? Or maybe you just want to be equipped as a leader? The School of Leadership and Ministry Development (SLMD) is focused and designed to develop you as a leader. The goal is to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12).
This course will help you discover God’s calling on your life, while focusing on leadership development and practical ministry tools. Prepare yourself to go to the next level with a challenging course, busy schedule, practice and hands-on leadership. During the 12-week lecture phase you will learn from experienced teachers. Each week there will be a different topic. The SLMD lecture phase is not just theory, you will have plenty of opportunity to lead and be involved with ministry in our community and surrounding areas. When you graduate from the School of Leadership and Ministry Development, you’ll be ready to join YWAM staff anywhere in the world as well as in local church and many other ministry settings. Here are some of the topics you will receive
Following the lecture phase, there is an 8-12 week field assignment where you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned in a full time ministry setting. The field assignment is individualized to best fit your unique giftings and calling. Requirements: Successfully Completed the DTS and have a heart for the Kingdom of God. Upon completion, each graduate will receive 20-24 credits from the University of the Nations depending the length of the field assignment. Have questions? Write us at [email protected]
University of the Nations
University of the NationsUniversity of the Nations |
All of the training you receive in YWAM Boquete-Panama is accredited with the University of the Nations (UofN). |
The UofN is unique in its international missionary training scope with school locations in 160 nations and at 600 locations on 6 continents. |
Because national accrediting agencies have major differences in their systems, the UofN has not, at present, applied for any one nation’s accreditation. |
Colleges & Centers
Have questions? Write us at [email protected]
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